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Local Installation

Installation of the local database

Creating a database

our recommanded options is to use our npm create verse.db@latest to create a new database conenction but in installing database without create function you can do everything manual if you want

Create a new database

First you need to create a new database using the following command

npm create verse.db@latest

you will have to answer this questions to setup the connection...

        Powered by JEDI STUDIO.
? Connection name: dataname
? Database adapter type: JSON Adapter
? Directory set data folder at: ./Data
? Enable Developer logs? Yes
? Developer logs path ./Logs
? Enable securing data? Yes
? Data Encrption secret ******
? Select a variant: JavaScript
? Package Manager type npm
[Successful]: Database connection setup successfully.
[Successful]: Database Logs Folder Setup Successfully.
[Successful]: First Log
[Info]: First Log
[Warning]: First Log
[Info]: Secret is added in an .env in /.secret dir in your database dir.
[Info]: Installing The needed packages.....
Installing the packages \
added 16 packages in 15s
[Successful]: Installation complete!

Name the connection

you need to name your connection a name without spaces

        Powered by JEDI STUDIO.
? Connection name: dataname

select an adapter

the avaliable adapters will show up for you to select one of them

        Powered by JEDI STUDIO.
? Connection name: dataname
? Database adapter type: (Use arrow keys)
> JSON Adapter
  YAML Adapter
  SQL Adapter

Set the DataPath

set the conenction path for the data file (Data Path) it's set by default to "./Data" you can just press Enter to select the default option

        Powered by JEDI STUDIO.
? Connection name: dataname
? Database adapter type: JSON Adapter
? Directory set data folder at: (./Data)

Enable Developer Logs

if you want to enable the developer logs to log any trafic happens with the database into a log files you can enable this options. it's set by default to (N) NO you can just press Enter to select the default option

        Powered by JEDI STUDIO.
? Connection name: dataname
? Database adapter type: JSON Adapter
? Directory set data folder at: ./Data
? Enable Developer logs? (y/N)

if you selected (y) Yes you will need to Enter the Logs Directory it's set by default to "./Logs" you can just press Enter to select the default option

        Powered by JEDI STUDIO.
? Connection name: dataname
? Database adapter type: JSON Adapter
? Directory set data folder at: ./Data
? Enable Developer logs? Yes
? Developer logs path (./Logs)

Securing Data

if you want to secure the data file with our encryption method and save the data in our secure file (.verse) you can enable it by typing (y)yes it's set by default to (N) NO you can just press Enter to select the default option

        Powered by JEDI STUDIO.
? Connection name: dataname
? Database adapter type: JSON Adapter
? Directory set data folder at: ./Data
? Enable Developer logs? Yes
? Developer logs path ./Logs
? Enable securing data? (y/N)

if you selected (y) Yes you will need to Enter the Encryption Secret it's set by default to "versedb" you can just press Enter to select the default option

        Powered by JEDI STUDIO.
? Connection name: dataname
? Database adapter type: JSON Adapter
? Directory set data folder at: ./Data
? Enable Developer logs? Yes
? Developer logs path ./Logs
? Enable securing data? Yes
? Data Encrption secret ******

Choosing a variant

        Powered by JEDI STUDIO.
? Connection name: dataname
? Database adapter type: JSON Adapter
? Directory set data folder at: ./Data
? Enable Developer logs? Yes
? Developer logs path ./Logs
? Enable securing data? Yes
? Data Encrption secret ******
? Select a variant: (Use arrow keys)
> JavaScript

Choosing your package manger to install the database package

if you are using any package manger you can select the one you are using to install the package with it

        Powered by JEDI STUDIO.
? Connection name: dataname
? Database adapter type: JSON Adapter
? Directory set data folder at: ./Data
? Enable Developer logs? Yes
? Developer logs path ./Logs
? Enable securing data? Yes
? Data Encrption secret ******
? Select a variant: JavaScript
? Package Manager type (Use arrow keys)
> npm

and now you can see everything happens like MAGIC ✨ so you can start using the database as soon as it finish

How to use ?

after that there will be a file created for your connection contains an exported db with the connection name just check it out

to use it import the exported db and and use it normaly

const { db } = require("./data-dir/.config/connection-name.versedb.js");


  • Secret: The secret is saved in a dir called ./Data-Dir/.config/.secret with a file called ./Data-Dir/.config/.secret/.env this file contains the encryption secret if you need it

VERSE.DB. Powered by JEDI Studio.