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Search Method

Search YAML Method

The search method allows you to query your verse.db database and retrieve specific records based on specified filters. It's a powerful tool for finding relevant data within your YAML files. Here's how you can use it:


const collectionFilters = [
    dataname: "users",
    displayment: 5,
    filter: { age: 30, gender: "male" }, // Search for male users with age 30
    dataname: "products",
    displayment: null, // No limit on displayment
    filter: { category: "electronics", price: { $lt: 500 } }, // Search for electronics products with price less than 500
const searchResult = await"/path/to/data folder", collectionFilters);


  • collectionFilters: An array of filter objects, each representing a specific data set (YAML file) to search within. Each filter object contains:
    • dataname: The filename (without the .yaml extension) of the YAML file you want to search.
    • displayment: The maximum number of records to return (optional; set to null for no limit).
    • filter: An object specifying the search criteria (e.g., { age: 30, gender: "male" }).

Return Value

The search method returns an object with the following properties:

  • acknowledged: A boolean indicating whether the operation was successful (true) or not (false).
  • message: A descriptive message indicating the outcome of the search (e.g., "Successfully searched in data for the given query.").
  • results: An object containing the search results for each specified data set. The keys correspond to the dataname values, and the values are arrays of objects representing the matching records.
  "acknowledged": true,
  "message": "Successfully searched in data for the gived query.",
  "results": {
    // Assert the first 5 male users with age 30
    "users": [
      { age: 30, gender: "male" },
      { age: 30, gender: "male" },
      { age: 30, gender: "male" },
      { age: 30, gender: "male" },
      { age: 30, gender: "male" },
    "products": [
       // Assert the products that match the filter criteria
       { category: "electronics", price: expect.toBeLessThan(500) }, // this is a test code don't care about it the `expect.toBeLessThan(500)` this just mean that it will be less than 500


In your provided example, we have two filters:

  1. Users Filter:

    • Search for male users with an age of 30.
    • Retrieve the first 5 matching records from the "users" data set.
  2. Products Filter:

    • Search for electronics products with a price less than 500.
    • Retrieve all matching records from the "products" data set.

The searchResult.results object will contain the filtered data for both users and products.


The search method efficiently retrieves relevant data based on your specified criteria, allowing you to manage your data effectively within your verse.db project.

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