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Trigger Event Method

Trigger Event Method

The triggerEvent method is designed to emit custom events related to session operations. It allows users to hook into session-related actions by emitting events with session-specific data, enabling advanced customization and integration with other parts of an application.


  • Custom Event Emission: Emits custom events with session-related data.
  • Flexible Integration: Allows for integration with other parts of an application through event listeners.
  • Session-Specific Data: Includes session ID and data in the emitted event.
  • Event Handling: Supports listening for and handling custom events to trigger additional logic.


import versedb from 'verse.db';
const adapter = new versedb.connect({
  adapter: "session",
  dataPath: './sessions',
  maxSize: 1000, // for default it will be 10
  ttl: 3600000, // 1 hour in milliseconds, for default it will be 10000
  useMemory: true, // for default it will be false
  secure: {
    enable: true,
    secret: 'your-secret-key'
  devLogs: { enable: false, path: "" },
// Listen for session-related events
adapter.on('sessionCreated', ({ sessionId, sessionData }) => {
  console.log(`Session created: ${sessionId}`, sessionData);
// Trigger a custom event
adapter.triggerEvent('sessionCreated', 'your-session-id', { user: 'John Doe' });


  • eventName (string): The name of the event to emit.
  • sessionId (string): The unique identifier for the session related to the event.
  • sessionData (SessionData, optional): The session data associated with the event. This is optional and may be undefined.


  • The method does not return any value but emits an event with the specified eventName and session-related data.


import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
class MySessionAdapter extends EventEmitter {
  triggerEvent(eventName: string, sessionId: string, sessionData?: any) {
    this.emit(eventName, { sessionId, sessionData });
const adapter = new MySessionAdapter();
// Listen for session-related events
adapter.on('sessionCreated', ({ sessionId, sessionData }) => {
  console.log(`Session created: ${sessionId}`, sessionData);
// Trigger a custom event
adapter.triggerEvent('sessionCreated', 'your-session-id', { user: 'John Doe' });

Detailed Explanation

  1. Custom Event Emission: The triggerEvent method allows for emitting custom events with specific names.

    • This enables the implementation of custom logic or integration with other systems when specific session actions occur.
  2. Session-Specific Data: Includes session ID and optional session data in the event payload.

    • This allows for detailed handling and processing of session-related events.
  3. Event Handling: The method leverages Node.js's EventEmitter for managing events.

    • Users can listen for specific events using the on method and respond accordingly.
    • Provides flexibility for adding custom logic and hooks into session management.
  4. Integration: Useful for advanced use cases where session management needs to trigger external processes or integrate with other parts of the application.

    • Can be used to log actions, trigger updates, or interface with other components or services.

VERSE.DB. Powered by JEDI Studio.