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SQL Adapter

SQL Adapter

The SQL Adapter in verse.db allows seamless interaction with your data stored in SQL files. Here's how you can set it up and use it:

Setting Up the Database:

  • First, establish a connection to your database using the versedb.connect function.

  • Specify the adapter as "sql" and provide the path to the directory containing your SQL files using the dataPath parameter.

  • Optionally, enable development logs (devLogs) and encryption (not recommended for now) using the respective settings.

  • Example configuration:

    const versedb = require("verse.db");
    const db = versedb.connect({
      adapter: "sql",
      dataPath: "./data", // Path to your SQL files
      devLogs: {
        enable: true,
        path: "./logs",
      encryption: {
        enable: false,
        secret: "", // Your secret passphrase (optional)

Feel free to explore the power of the SQL Adapter in verse.db for efficient data management! 📂✨


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