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Connections and Setup

Database Connections and Setup

In verse.db, we use the built-in .connect method to establish connections to databases. Let's dive into the key options and how to use them effectively.

Installation command

npm install verse.db@latest

Adapter Selection

The adapter option is crucial for defining the type of database you want to connect to. You can choose from the following adapters:

  1. JSON: Use "json" as the adapter value.
  2. YAML: Specify "yaml" for the YAML adapter.
  3. SQL: For SQL databases, set the adapter to "sql".

Here's an example of connecting to a JSON database:

const db = new versedb.connect({
  adapter: "json",

You can also create multiple connections simultaneously, each with a different adapter:

const jsonDb = new versedb.connect({
  adapter: "json",
const yamlDb = new versedb.connect({
  adapter: "yaml",
const sqlDb = new versedb.connect({
  adapter: "sql",

Currently, we support three adapters: json, yaml, and sql. Expect more adapters in future updates.

Data Path Configuration

The dataPath option specifies the directory where your data resides. Set it to the appropriate path:

const db = new versedb.connect({
  adapter: "adapter", // Choose the desired adapter (json, yaml, or sql)
  dataPath: "./path/to/the/data/folder", // Specify the path to the data directory (a folder)

Developer Logs

Our database includes a flexible logger system that you can enable or disable for each connection. Here's how to configure it:

const db = new versedb.connect({
  adapter: "adapter", // Choose the desired adapter (json, yaml, or sql)
  dataPath: "./path/to/the/data/folder", // Specify the path to the data directory (a folder)
  devLogs: {
    enable: true, // Set to true to enable dev logs (writes logs to files in the logs folder)
    path: "./path/to/the/logs/folder", // Specify the logs folder path

The logger system can also be used externally. Refer to the Logger System page for further details.

Secure Data (Secure)

To enhance security and reduce data file sizes, we provide a built-in encoder and encryptor. By default, we use the secret key "versedb" for secure. However, you can set your own secret:

const db = new versedb.connect({
  adapter: "adapter", // Choose the desired adapter (json, yaml, or sql)
  dataPath: "./path/to/the/data/folder", // Specify the path to the data directory (a folder)
  devLogs: {
    enable: true, // Set to true to enable dev logs (writes logs to files in the logs folder)
    path: "./path/to/the/logs/folder", // Specify the logs folder path
  secure: {
    enable: true,
    secret: "put-your-secret-here", // Set your custom secret

Feel free to explore these options and tailor your verse.db connections to your specific needs! 🚀

VERSE.DB. Powered by JEDI Studio.