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Create Table Method

Create Table SQL Method

The primary purpose of the createTable function is to define and create a new table in a database. Tables are fundamental components of relational databases, where data is organized into rows and columns.


  1. dataname (Data Source Name):

    • Replace 'your_data_source_name' with the actual name of your data source (database).
    • This parameter specifies the database where the new table will be created.
  2. tableName:

    • Replace 'your_table_name' with the desired name for your table.
    • The table name serves as an identifier for the table in your queries.
  3. tableDefinition:

    • The tableDefinition parameter defines the structure of the table.

    • It specifies the columns (fields) that the table will contain and their data types.

    • In the example provided, we have the following table definition:

      id INT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255), age INT

      and in the data file it will be like this automaticly by our database handler

      CREATE TABLE your_table_name (id INT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255), age INT);
      • id: An integer column representing a unique identifier (often used as the primary key).
      • name: A variable-length character column (string) with a maximum length of 255 characters.
      • age: An integer column representing a person's age.


  1. Setting Up the Data Source:

    • Before calling the createTable function, ensure that you have established a connection to your database (data source).
    • The data source should be accessible and properly configured in your application.
  2. Calling the createTable Method:

    • Once you've set the appropriate values for dataname, tableName, and tableDefinition, invoke the createTable method.
    • This action sends a query to the database engine to create the specified table.

Example Usage:

const dataname = 'your_data_source_name';
const tableName = 'your_table_name';
const tableDefinition = 'id INT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255), age INT';
// Call the createTable method
db.createTable(dataname, tableName, tableDefinition);


Adjust the tableDefinition according to your specific requirements. You can add more columns, specify data types, and define constraints (such as primary keys or unique constraints).
Ensure that the data source exists and that you have the necessary permissions to create tables within it.

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