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Add Method

Add JSON Method

The add method allows you to insert a new object into a specified data file. Here's a step-by-step breakdown:

1. Creating Your Data Object:

  • Before using the add method, prepare your data object. This object should contain the properties relevant to your data model. For example:

    const newData = {
      id: 123,
      name: "John Doe",
      age: 30,
      // Other properties...

2. Choosing the Data File (Dataname):

  • The dataname parameter represents the filename (without the .json extension) of the JSON file where you want to add the data.

  • You can specify the dataname directly or include subfolders if needed. For instance:

    const dataname = "users"; // Refers to a file named "users.json"
    // or
    const dataname = "subfolder/users"; // Refers to a file in a subfolder

3. Invoking the add Method:

  • Use the add method to insert your data object into the specified file:

    await db.add(dataname, newData);

4. Results and Acknowledgment:

  • Upon successful execution, the method returns an acknowledgment object with the following structure:

      "acknowledged": true,
      "message": "Data added successfully.",
      "results": [
       // IDs of the added data

Best Practices:

  • Error Handling: Wrap the add method in a try-catch block to handle any exceptions that might occur during the process.
  • Validation: Validate your data object before adding it to ensure consistency and correctness.
  • Atomic Operations: Consider using transactions or atomic operations if you need to perform multiple actions (e.g., adding multiple records) as a single unit.

Remember that the add method is a powerful tool for managing your JSON data. By following these guidelines, you'll be able to maintain a professional and robust data management process. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask! 😊

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