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Update Data Method

Update Data SQL Method

The updateData method allows you to modify existing records (rows) in a table within a specified data source (database). You can apply various operations to update specific fields based on certain conditions.


  1. dataname (Data Source Name):

    • Replace 'your_data_source_name' with the actual name of your data source (database).
    • This parameter specifies the database where the table exists.
  2. tableName:

    • Replace 'your_table_name' with the name of the table you want to update.
    • The table name identifies the target table for the update operation.
  3. query:

    • The query parameter specifies the criteria for identifying the row(s) to update.
    • In your example, { id: 1 } means we're targeting rows where the id column has a value of 1.
  4. newData:

    • The newData object contains various update operations to perform on the matched rows.
    • Let's explore the available options for newData:

Operation Keys:

  • $set:
    • Sets the specified fields to the provided values.
    • Example: { $set: { name: 'UpdatedName', age: 40 } }
  • $inc:
    • Increments the value of specified numeric fields by the provided value.
    • Example: { $inc: { visits: 1 } }
  • $push:
    • Appends the specified values to arrays within the document.
    • Example: { $push: { hobbies: 'Reading' } }
  • $min:
    • Updates the specified numeric fields to the provided value if it is less than the current value.
    • Example: { $min: { score: 80 } }
  • $max:
    • Updates the specified numeric fields to the provided value if it is greater than the current value.
    • Example: { $max: { rating: 5 } }
  • $currentDate:
    • Sets the specified fields to the current date.
    • Example: { $currentDate: { lastModified: true } }
  • upsert:
    • Optional. If set to true, inserts a new row if no matching rows are found based on the query.
    • Example: { upsert: true }

Example Usage:

Suppose we have a table named Employees with columns id, name, age, visits, hobbies, score, and lastModified. We want to update the record with id equal to 1. Here's how you can use the updateData method:

const dataname = 'your_data_source_name';
const tableName = 'Employees'; // Assume this table exists
const query = { id: 1 };
const newData = {
  $set: { name: 'UpdatedName', age: 40 },
  $inc: { visits: 1 },
  $push: { hobbies: 'Reading' },
  $min: { score: 80 },
  $currentDate: { lastModified: true },
  upsert: true
// Call the updateData method
adapter.updateData(dataname, tableName, query, newData)
  .then((result) => {
    if (result.acknowledged) {
      console.log(result.message); // Log success message
      console.log('Updated row:', result.results); // Log the updated row
    } else {
      console.error(result.errorMessage); // Log error message
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error('An error occurred:', error); // Catch any unexpected errors


  • Adjust the query and newData according to your specific update requirements.
  • Handle any errors by catching exceptions using .catch().

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