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Insert Data Method

Insert Data SQL Method

The insertData method allows you to add new records to a specific table within your SQL database. Whether you're inserting a single row or multiple rows, this method streamlines the process. Let's explore how to use it effectively.

1. Purpose

The primary purpose of the insertData method is to insert data into a specified table. You can add individual records or multiple records at once.

2. Syntax

const dataname = 'your_data_source_name';
const tableName = 'your_table_name'; // Specify the name of the table where data will be added
const data = [
  [1, 'John', 30], // First set
  [2, 'Alice', 25], // Second set
  [3, 'Bob', 35] // Third set
]; // Adding multiple sets of data (Add Many)
// Call the insertData method
adapter.insertData(dataname, tableName, data)
  .then((result) => {
    if (result.acknowledged) {
      console.log(result.message); // Log success message
    } else {
      console.error(result.errorMessage); // Log error message
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error('An error occurred:', error); // Catch any unexpected errors

3. Parameters

  • dataname: The name of your SQL database.
  • tableName: The name of the table where data will be added.
  • data: An array containing sets of data to insert. Each set corresponds to a row in the table.

4. Example

Suppose you have an SQL database named your_data_source_name and a table named your_table_name. You want to insert the following data:

  1. User with ID 1, name "John," and age 30.
  2. User with ID 2, name "Alice," and age 25.
  3. User with ID 3, name "Bob," and age 35.

The insertData method adds these records to the specified table.

5. Results

Upon successful execution, the method logs a success message. If there are any errors, it logs an error message.

Feel free to adapt this example to your specific use case! 😊

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