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Add Method

Add Method

The add method is responsible for adding or updating a session by its ID. It stores the session data in memory and on disk, ensuring efficient retrieval and persistence. This method also manages session expiry and cleanup of stale sessions.


  • In-Memory Storage: Quickly stores sessions in memory.
  • File-Based Storage: Persists sessions to the file system for durability.
  • Expiry Management: Automatically handles session expiry.
  • Logging: Provides detailed logging for session save operations.


import versedb from 'verse.db';
const adapter = new versedb.connect({
  adapter: "session",
  dataPath: './sessions',
  maxSize: 1000, // for deafualt it will be 10
  ttl: 3600000, // 1 hour in milliseconds, for deafualt it will be 10000
  useMemory: true, // for defualt it will be false
  secure: {
    enable: true,
    secret: 'your-secret-key'
  devLogs: { enable: false, path: "" },
async function addSession(sessionId: string, sessionData: SessionData) {
  const result = await adapter.add(sessionId, sessionData);
  if (result.acknowledged) {
    console.log('Session added:', result.message);
  } else {
    console.log('Failed to add session:', result.errorMessage);
addSession('your-session-id', { key: 'value' });


  • sessionId (string): The unique identifier for the session you want to add or update.
  • sessionData (SessionData): The data to be stored in the session.


  • A Promise that resolves with an AdapterResults object indicating the success or failure of the operation.


const sessionId = "abc123";
const sessionData = { key: "value" };
  .add(sessionId, sessionData)
  .then((result) => {
    if (result.acknowledged) {
      console.log("Session added:", result.message);
    } else {
      console.log("Failed to add session:", result.errorMessage);
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error("Error adding session:", error);

Detailed Explanation

  1. In-Memory Storage: The method first stores the session data in memory, associating it with the provided session ID.

    • If the session already exists, it updates the existing data.
    • If the session is new, it adds the data to the memory store.
  2. File System Storage: The method then writes the session data to a file on disk.

    • The session data is compressed before being written to ensure efficient storage.
    • If the file write operation fails, an error is logged and returned.
  3. Expiry Management: The method manages session expiry by setting an expiry timestamp.

    • If the session TTL (time-to-live) is specified, it calculates the expiry time.
    • Expired sessions are automatically pruned from memory.
  4. Logging: Throughout the process, detailed logs are generated for debugging and tracking purposes.

    • Logs include information about session addition, updates, and errors.

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